Sunday, February 7, 2010

蘭 桂 月 刊 123期 (More)

蘭 桂 月 刊 123期 (More)
榮譽社長:郭 競 時 總編輯:郭蘭生(長子)
美術編輯:郭桂冠 (長孫) 駐美國編輯:郭蘭馨 (三子)
出刊時間:2010 年2月5日
電子郵件 手機 : 0931614517

大掃除前先 “暖身”,腰酸背痛不上身 / 瑞 蘭

Warm up your body to prevent cleaning injuries before sweeping

There are lots of back pains caused by sweeping. The correct posture may prevent back pain when we are sweeping during Chinese New Year period. If people maintain the same posture for long periods of time when sweeping they will strain their muscles and cause physical problems such as lower back pain, tendonitis or spinal injury. If you are moving in a wrong way which making it easy to pull a muscle or even do damage to your bones. (Cleveland, OHIO, Feb 5, 2010)

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