Saturday, December 12, 2009

Know the Symptoms of a Heart Attack

Take Action and Save Your Life
The symptoms are:
An uncomfortable feeling in your chest - Heaviness, Pressure, Tightness and A squeezing sensation.
It can spread to your left arm, sometimes to both arms and to your neck and jaw. You may also get sweaty, feel like vomiting and have trouble breathing.
Heart Attack is an equal opportunity killer: Women may not necessarily have crushing chest pain with their heart attacks. Their heart attack pain may be in their stomach or jaw. Sometimes their heart attack symptoms may be nausea, indigestion, shortness of breath or extreme fatigue without any pain.
If you have any of these symptoms, don't delay. Go to the nearest hospital emergency room, or call 911 if you're too sick to go on your own. Do it right away! New treatments can save you life and help you recover. But you must act quickly. The quicker you act the better your chances. every minute counts.

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