1. 勿過勞,切記身體是「有極限的」。
2. 順應身體節奏,該休息則休息,均衡飲食、適度運動,勿任性而為。
3. 學習放鬆緊繃精神,調適壓力。
4. 控制體重,避免「三高」;限制熱量的攝取,且持之以恆。
5. 定期檢查,正視身體傳遞的警訊,做出因應。
6. 避免如抽煙、過量飲酒和遨夜等不良生活習慣。
7. 保持生活的幹勁與能量,維持活躍的社交生活,擁抱家庭,創造歸屬感。
8. 多動腦,維持好奇心,持續學習新事物。
1. 勿過勞,切記身體是「有極限的」。
2. 順應身體節奏,該休息則休息,均衡飲食、適度運動,勿任性而為。
3. 學習放鬆緊繃精神,調適壓力。
4. 控制體重,避免「三高」;限制熱量的攝取,且持之以恆。
5. 定期檢查,正視身體傳遞的警訊,做出因應。
6. 避免如抽煙、過量飲酒和遨夜等不良生活習慣。
7. 保持生活的幹勁與能量,維持活躍的社交生活,擁抱家庭,創造歸屬感。
8. 多動腦,維持好奇心,持續學習新事物。
正能量解壓生活 (Stress Awareness)
There are 5 easy, stress free
tips for you to detox and take it easy. Give you mind and spirit a spring
cleaning and you’ll be good to go!
1. Exercise regularly鍛煉身體:
A regular exercise schedule
keeps your blood pumping and helps to increase production of your brain’s “feel
good” neurotransmitters, called endorphins. Anything from light weight lifting
to brisk jogging can help take your mind off troubles.
經常運動,讓血液循環更健康,並有助於提高大腦 “感覺舒暢” ,精神狀況好,慢跑的時侯,身體產生腦內啡,可以幫助你趨除一天的煩惱。
2. Hug a pet 擁抱寵物:
Pet owners have been shown to
be less stressed, simply because they have a companion. Add in the fact that
pets are great for cuddling with, blood pressure decreases.
3. Keep a journal 寫日記:
Writing out one’s troubles,
worries, and anger can help alleviate pressure and negativity. Journals help us
reflect on ourselves and see things in perspective. Try writing out things you
are thankful for everyday.
4. Jam out聆聽音樂:
Turn up your favorite music
and plug your earphones in, while tuning the rest of the world out. Studies
have shown music can trigger biochemical stress reducers.
5. Get a massage享受按摩服務:
Make an appointment or drop
in to a spa or clinic for a good massage. Massages relieve physical stress and
help you relax and calm your mind.Work, school, and daily worries really take a toll on the body, so make time for yourself!