Saturday, May 15, 2010


糖必退是由植物中萃取的胰島素製造而成。它是百分之百以高生物科技萃取純天然苦瓜活性成分的產品。每瓶糖必退富含200 IU的植物胰島素,它屬於一種分子植物蛋白質,比動物胰島素更容易被人體吸收。糖必退不只可以降低血糖,更可以修復β 細胞。糖必退不只可以保護β 細胞,更可以製造更多 細胞,以增進胰臟功能。糖必退和醫學上的胰島素不同,臨床實驗證明即使服食過多的糖必退也不會引致低血糖,更不會有副作用。


1. 服食糖必退7至10天后,即可降低血糖指數
2. 從來自20間醫院的600位元糖尿病者的實驗顯示,糖必退有效地降低血糖
3. 馬來亞大學的實驗顯示,糖必退的功能相等於醫學上所使用的藥物
4. 糖必退甚至可以取代糖尿病藥物
5. 胰島素萃取于天然草本植物,每粒膠囊富含200 IU胰島素
6. 證實可安全食用,沒有副作用




1. 山西省中國中醫研究學院附屬醫院
2. 西安醫科大學第一附屬醫院
3. 323所聚乳酸(PLA)醫院
4. 成都中醫藥大學附屬醫院
5. 中國醫科大學第一臨床學院
6. 大連醫科大學附屬醫院
7. 廣州醫科大學附屬醫院
8. 上海中醫藥大學附屬曙光醫院
9. 上海中醫藥大學附屬龍華醫院
10. 山東省青島內分泌和糖尿科研究中心
11. 山東省青島糖尿科醫院內分泌和糖尿科研究中心
12. 北京西苑醫院
13. 河南省人民醫院
14. 鄧州城市醫院
15. 河北第三醫藥學院
16. 江蘇省人民醫院
17. 蘭州第二醫院附屬醫院
18. 福州醫科學院附屬協和醫院
19. 新疆維吾爾族自治區中醫藥學院
20. 第三軍醫大學附屬大坪醫院


1. 20所醫院的臨床實驗顯示,糖必退功能的有效率高達百分之八十六點六七
2. 糖必退有效地降低血糖,其功效在用餐前後的兩小時更為顯著
3. 服用糖必退後,效果長久。臨床實驗顯示,糖必退並沒有副作用。 此外,過量服用並不會導致血糖過低。
4. 糖必退可以促進脂肪新陳代謝,並可降低甘油三酸酯和膽固醇以及改善高密度脂蛋白水準
5. 糖必退有效地減輕糖尿病的症狀:饑餓、持續性饑渴、多尿、減重、疲勞、背痛以及腳部無力


根據穆斯達發阿裏教授(Prof. Mustafa Ali Mohd)的研究:


1. 可直接吸收口服膠囊,繼而補充胰島素
2. 可生產更多胰島素
3. 改善胰島素細胞的接受能力,反之抵抗胰島素的外來侵襲。它改善合成糖原,進而降低血糖指數
4. 提高紅血球細胞、改善胰島素的傳送、降低血糖指數


血糖<15mmol / 病患者:每日三次,每次兩粒
血糖>15mmol / 病患者:每日三次,每次三粒

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's day, a worldwide holiday celebrated this year on Sunday, May 9th. everyday our mothers cook, wash, and take care of us. And everyday ourmothers are there for us. We sometimes forget to say "Thank You". But once a year on Mother's Day, we have the opportunity to show our appreciation and surprise our mothers with a special gift.

This Mother's Day 2010, there are more gift options than ever before!
For example, flowers. Carnationsused to be the typical choice, but recently, a widely variety of flowers such as Roses and Gerbera, are also commonly giving on Mother's Day.
In addition, there are many new variations of bouquet arrangements and potted plants. You can even add a gift basket with organic foods or fruit!

Furthermore, there are many different ways to celebrate Mother's Day. Other than sending flowers, you can go out for a family meal, help out with housework so that she can relax and take the day off, give her sweet gifts such as chocolates and desserts, or give her gift certificates to beauty salon or esthetics.
She is your one and only mother, os try to be creative and make sure the gift is special and meaningful.

2010 Mother's Day Gift Recommendation #1 Everlasting Flowers

2010 Mother's Day Gift Recommerdation #2 For the Gourmet

2010 Mother's Day Gift Recommendation #3 For Her Sweet Tooth

So what exactly is the gift that will make your mother most happy?

The answer is easy! It's of course for you to go see her! Seeing her once will mean more to her than 10 phone calls. Your mother is always worrying about you from a distance. You might sometimes think, she's getting old. So why not go see your loving Mother. This year, as your Mother's Day Gift, go see your mother and tell her in person, "Thank You". This is the best gift a mother can receive.

**Sending carnation flowers is very popular. Depending on the color , the meaning of the flower changes, so before choosing the flowers to send to your mother, you can use this as a reference.

White: In memory of my mother who's past away, my love is alive, pure love, respect
Red: love for my mother, true love, affection, passion
Dark Red: my heart's grief and sorrow, lust
Pink: gratitude, deeply touched, beautiful gesture, profession of ardent love
Yellow: friendship, beauty, fluctuations of love, disdain and jealousy
Purple: grace and dignity

On a side-note: Don't forget Father's Day is the 3rd Sunday in June!